Relapse Prevention Strategies: Tips for Sustaining Recovery Over Time

Introduction Relapse prevention is an important part of the recovery process. It's normal to experience setbacks in sobriety, but with the right tools and support, you can learn how to avoid relapses and sustain your recovery. Learn about relapse and recovery. Relapse prevention strategies can be helpful in preventing you from experiencing a slip or relapse. A slip is an isolated incident that happens when you are trying your best to stay sober, but something goes wrong and you use drugs or alcohol again. A relapse is when someone who has been clean returns to using drugs or alcohol after having built up some sobriety. To prevent a slip from turning into a full-blown relapse, it's important for people in recovery to understand the difference between these two terms--and know how to get help if they feel like their recovery is at risk for slipping into another full-blown addiction issue. Use community resources to develop healthy habits. To help you stay on track...